旅遊小撇步:安全第一Travel Tips: Safety First的前半段
Bonjour Internet!
It's Thursday. Your favorite day of the week.
And today we're gonna talk about safety tips for travel.
Numero uno, I've said it before and I will say it again.you can never do too much research for a trip.
And it's the kind of research that will help you.Google Maps is my BFF.
Wherever I'll be staying, I type in the address and check out the proximity of neighborhoods, nearby subway, bus stops, and using street view, I actually walk around and check out the area. And make sure that there isn't anything fishy I should know in advance about That way, when you arrive, you won't be totally lost. Tip numero dos, research and read up on the culture of the place. You wanna be aware of what you're not supposed to do. Am I not supposed to wear short shorts? Am I not supposed to wear skimpy bikinis? And the golden rule? Do as the locals do. On to a big subject, theft and pickpocketing.
bonjour法文的 「早安」或「日安」的意思,整天適用,就算是在晚上和朋友打招呼也適用
BFF= best friend forever
Numero Uno第一 Numero dos第二(美国俚语)(源自西班牙谱)
numero uno用作名词的意思:1.本人,自己 2.领袖 3.最好的、最出色的
If you haven't seen my video of how to keep your passport safe, please do.
Number 1, keep not just your eyes but your hands on your bags, purses and totes. Slinging them on to the back of a chair, leaving them under chairs, make them easy targets for stealing.Or for leaving behind.
Number 2, get into the habit of looking back. Before you get out of that cab, before you get up from that table, Look back and make sure you're not leaving anything behind.
Number 3, if you're carrying electronic equipment make sure that you don't have a bag that screams out:"I have thousands of dollars in equipment!"
If you're shopping, consolidate and put all your booty in one bag.
Slinging 吊掛
And as for music, leave that music for the plane. Disconnecting from an environment can make you less aware and more vulnerable. And some common sense, do not walk into a dark alley in the middle of the night alone. You wouldn't do it at home, would you? Do not get crazy drunk. For obvious reasons, just don't do it! And finally, get in touch with that sixth sense. We all have it. and it's usually right. If the food looks too weird, don't eat it. If the cab doesn't really look like a cab, and you don't wanna go on it, don't go on it! If that guy or that girl gives you the heebie-jeebies, stay away. Trust your instincts. But honestly I've said it before, the world is a nicer, safer place than people give it credit for. Chances are, you will be the one leaving something behind or you will be the one not abiding by the rules. So just be prepared.
vulnerable (a.)易受傷害的,有弱點的,易受攻擊的,脆弱的,成局的
abiding by(a.)永久的,持久的,不變的